Wednesday, July 18, 2012

English Books

Title Author
If God Went to B- School Anand & Mani Ganesh
To Whom it may concern Shariq Iqbal
Move on Bunny Vivek Atray
Because you loved me Ritwik Malik
Life is what you make it Preeti Shenoy
Stay hungry Stay Foolish Rashmi Bansal
The Man in the Brown Suit Agatha Christie
The Inscrutable Americans Anurag Mathur
Trust Me Rajashree
The (In)eligible Bachelors Ruchita Misra
Call me Don Anish Trivedi
Zero Percentile Neeraj Chhibba
Only time will tell Jeffrey Archer
The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini
To cut a long story Short Jeffrey Archer
Not a penny more, Not a penny less Jeffrey Archer